Saturday, January 5, 2008

Analysys estimate for China search market in 2010

They predict a growth rate of 30.1% for the market, way below
everybody else, and almost half of JPM's more recent report.

Analysys International, the leading advisor of
technology, media and telecom (TMT) industries in China,
says in its recently released report "China Search Engine
Market Forecast 2006 -- 2010", that China’s search engine
providers’ revenue will reach RMB 4.521 billion in 2010
and from 2006 to 2010, the compound annual growth rate
of the revenue is expected to be 30.31%. The first main
factor that promotes the development of China’s search
engine market is the increasing number of the netizens,
especially netizens who use search engine. Moreover,
a large number of the small and medium sized enterprises
have come to realize the marketing value of the search
engine market. It is expected that in the next five
years, the number of companies who launch their
advertisements through search engine will increase
at an annual rate of 17%.

Analysis report

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