Friday, January 29, 2010

Recruiting for online video subsidiary

Baidu will recruit an estimated 350 employees for its
online video business by year end, said an insider with
the company's video subsidiary. The subsidiary currently
employs 50 staff, but the number will be increased as it
recruits more employees specialized in such fields as
technology, editing, marketing, copyright, and accounting,
added the insider. Baidu's video subsidiary is still under
preparation, occupied with purchasing copyrights and
seeking out business partners. According to the
subsidiary's strategy, it will focus on providing
high-quality online video products and offer free
video on demand (VOD) services. Besides, the
subsidiary's CEO earlier promised to divest it and
achieve an independent listing within five years.
(Source: Xinhua's China Economic Information Service
Edited by Zhu Zhu,

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